I . Vocabulario Espontáneo
Dates: July 2021
Organizer: THE CAGE (Alejandro Acín, Julián Barón, Camila Kevorkian) Participants: Lorena Fernández, camila kevorkian, Sonia Gauna, Agustina Triquell, Alejandro Acín, Nathalia Cruz, Flor Breccia, Diego Arregui Desulovich, Erik Estany Tigerström, Rodrigo García, Anaïs Florin, Ana Volonté, Verónica Giordano, Daiana Tarica, Carlos Macías, Pilar Pedraza, Roser Colomar, Marta Peris, Samuel Fernández, Álvaro Mártinez, Nieves Mingueza, Julia Cisneros, Mariel Matoz, Griselda Serresone Roo, Sergio Martínez, Rohan Thapa, Edith Gauna, Valerio Álvarez, Julián Barón, Rodrigo García, Bruno Bresani y Estefanía Acosta Quinteros
︎ Publication
Letras que forman palabras, articulan diálogos y tejen
redes. Esa fue la excusa para reunirnos: comunizar nuestras experiencias en archivos con el fin de armar
un abecedario situado, virtual y transoceánico desde nuestras prácticas.
El llamamiento fue dirigido a todxs aquellxs que desarrollaran prácticas creativas o profesionales en torno al archivo.
Palabras que en el hacer colectivo encontraro conexiones impensadas y tejido común.
Al parecer, no estábamos tan perdidxs,
ni eramos tan pocxs, ni hacíamos cosas tan distintas a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Fue así que durante 2 horas, 31 personas desconocidas pusieron en común trabajo, frustaciones, trayectoria, academia, pasados, prácticas y deseos conformando esta familia de palabras situadas que dan cuenta de un trabajo desde/con/entre archivos un Agosto de 2021.
CRITICAL EYE: Visual Archives for Education
Dates: May 2020 (Ongoing)
Partners: Bristol Archives, Bristol Empire and Commonwealth Collection, Bristol Theatre Collection, Nepal Picture Library, Arab Image Foundation and Bristol Photo Festival.
Producer: IC Visual Lab
Coordinators: THE CAGE (Alejandro Acín, Julián Barón, Camila Kevorkian)
︎ Online platform (Coming soon)
CRITICAL EYE: Visual Archives for Education, is a creative pedagogic project that uses photographic archives to encourage critical thinking in young people. The aim is to offer a critical approach towards images that highlight key discussions around photography and society (gender and sexuality, colonial gaze, feminist narratives, public protest movements...). This project is produced in collaboration with other art organizations, artists/photographers, curators and school teachers; the goal is to introduce basic discussions around the production and consumption of images, the construction and obliteration of collective memory and how photography is a key language to reimagine the history of the past and present.
CRITICAL EYE works in partnership photography archives, museum collections, local archives and community archives to develop key resources for this programme using materials from their collections. Through a series of creative experiments using digital photography tools, the project engages young audiences to awaken their artistic sensibility and critical thinking supporting their creativity throughout their life.
Are you a community archive, institution, artist or school teacher? Would you like to take part in this project? Please, fill this questionnaire below.